2009年5月14日 星期四

hope to meet u oneday

nothing much can said
felt sleepy but not going to sleep yet

sorry boy
reject ur phone and stop reply ur msg
reli too tired
and bored with the question u asked
turn and turn just like recycle process
too lame

but anyway
i will reply before sleep, hehe
at least u noe me gonna sleep soon and stop calling me

i meet someone today
i duno his name, coz i duno this guy at all
so attractive , haha for me lar
For Hii Hui Hui too

he really look cool enough
handsome, gentleman
he come in our office with coat and tie, plus one mini earphone

i duno, he reli look so cool
i love dis guy and hope to meet him oneday haha
but i think impossible lar

just hope to see u again, hahaha
u totally attract me

i felt the guy just passed by me
and i cant do anything
just like a dog saw the bones threw into dustbin, and it cant taste it
sound poor .. LOL !!
