2009年10月9日 星期五

P5 again

i got my last decision about my P5 exam
that is, im gonna sit the exam again.. on December.

this is the third time i sit this paper
i wish i can pass it

on the began i decide to stop the exam
coz i have no confident to pass this paper

yet i dun wan to put any stress over me again
it make me felt upset and dissapointed sometime

but i think over and over again
what they advised me was right
just one paper, i just left one paper to fully complete my CAT
why dun try to pass it again?

just left one paper, i can get all my C&G result
if not, it may be pending

i'll sit the exam......
Agnes mama, i wish i can pass it...

the feeling of try to get an achievement sometime make us felt full of satisfaction